Because we are more than just a jobs board, and there's no point advertising 100 opportunities a month if people are applying for them the wrong way, we're offering great access to our online 'Coach Career Development Course'.

> FREE for ALL British Football Coaches Network Members
> 50% Discount for all over coaches
The online course is split into 4 modules. All of which cover every aspect of developing a career in your home country or abroad. You also receive CV Templates and a Tutorial Video of how to edit them.
Module List
Module 1 - Profile & Application
Part 1 - Your CV
The first step of building a coaching career is making sure you're coaching profile is in order. There's more to this than simply having a CV but to ensure we don't fall at the first step, your CV needs to realise we're not stuck in 1994.
Part 2 - Your Profile
It's time to start working on your own profile and internet footprint. As well as a CV, your social media platforms and the power of the internet is one of the strongest allies to your application you can have - they have the ability to be seen by people you can't normally reach and they also give you unknowing exposure.
Understand, marketing yourself effectively is now a must for coaches in this hyper-competitive industry.
Part 3 - Cold Calling
The art of contacting people who you don't know is basically 'cold calling' in the sales world. It's no different in the football world. How do we get people interested in us when they don't even know us?
Part 4 - Connecting & Networking the Correct Way
This is all about networking and connecting with people in a professional manner. If you get this wrong, you could miss out on some huge opportunities in the future. This module includes examples and a task to use your developed skills.
Module 2 - Barriers to Career Progression
Part 1: The Barriers
Sacrifice will play a huge part in the success of a career and progression normally comes at some kind of cost. Barriers to progression is the main factor why a career may freeze or not even get going, but with sacrifice and careful planning, these barriers can be broken. What we need to do, is first identify the barrier and decide if it's something we can control (internally) or if it's an external barrier. If you do not know what is stopping your progression or development, how can it be fixed?
Part 2: Some Solutions
Methods and solutions which will help break down your barriers.

Module 3 - Foundations of a Career Pathway
We take a look at how to build our own pathways and open up our own opportunities. If you can create your own template that fits with your personal situation and circumstances, you can then copy the template towards any role or any location you wish to work in.
Part 1: The Foundations of a Pathway
Part 2: Pathway for a New Coach
Part 3: Pathways for a Coach with experience
Module 4 - How to build a career at home and abroad
The final module wraps everything up, and discusses all possible pathways of building a coaching career step by step.